Best home automation gadgets this 2023

Technology can hinder or make life easier. We are here to help navigating the tech world easy. We’ve listed 5 of the best tech gadgets you’ll need for your home as a minimum. No need to spend a fortune. Just make it easy for you. So here goes:

1. Ring Doorbell

This one is a bare minimum. If you’re like us and have Amazon deliveries every day, it can be useful to verify who is at the door before actually opening it. Weed out the door scammers and spammers with Ring doorbell. Check who it is before you get up by viewing the doorstep camera from your phone. So no need to leave the desk for Jahovah’s witnesses and door to door sales people ever again. Just tell them no thank you from your phone, wherever you are in the world, which adds an additional layer of home security. And if it is Amazon or your boiler man, say hi and open the door for them.

2. Nest Thermostat

Ok, boilers. These are the one thing nearly the entire world cannot do without. Yes, that little box on the wall that provides hot water and thermal energy to hear your home during the colder months. It’s something we take for granted. Introducing Nest. This little nifty device is what we call a “smart thermostat”. It’s what controls your boiler. And it’s WiFi enabled. It’s the handiest of gadgets to have and looks very swish. Very simple to use, it allows you to control the temperature, set schedules for heating and use the app to control the heating from anywhere in the world. Nifty huh!?

3. Alexa Echo Dot (5th Gen)

We’ve put this in a previous post, but it is worth a mention again. It plays music, you can ask it questions like what’s the weather like, you can do Google searches, you can turn on lights, control the heating and you can even purchase things on Amazon. All. Using. Voice. Commands. Everyone has one too. It’s the in thing to have in every home. So what are you waiting for? Go get yours!

4. Bosch Tassimo Coffee Pod Machine

Coffee is what 5 billion people drink every day. Maybe once or maybe 4 times per day. That’s over 20 billion cups per day! So why not make the coffee making process a breeze. Introducing the Tassimo coffee pod machine by Bosch. Over 70 pods available from all your favourite brands (think Costa Coffee, Kenco, Cadbury, Columbian coffee).

And what’s more, the pods provide the milk part too, so no need to buy extra milk or froth it. Or maybe it’s espresso you like. With a press of a button, this machine has got you covered. No need to grind coffee beans either, so no mess. It’s all self contained. Very affordable too and manufactured by a brand you can trust, Bosch. 2 year warranty included.

5. Outdoor Security Camera

Let’s be honest, security is a top priority for all homes. So definitely get this outdoor WiFi battery operated camera. It will notify you when movement is detected (using PIR technology (passive infra red), and can even tell the difference between a cat and a human, reducing false alarms. It works at night too, giving you round the clock protection. It’s powered by a rechargable lithium battery, which lasts a very long time, giving you peace of mind. Get two while you’re at it, one for the driveway at front and one for the yard.

6. Oral B IO9 Electric Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth has never been easier or more comfortable. This toothbrush takes the strain. The vibrating brush really gets in those hard to reach areas. The handy feature is it tracks “how” you brush your teeth in real time, giving you a smiley face or sad face after you’ve finished brushing. It even lights up green, blue, orange or red as you’re brushing to indicate if you’re brushing too hard or too soft. It’s WiFi enabled too so you can see the data of how well you brush your teeth on the app. A fantastic buy.


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