Best Group 1 Car Seat for your Child Aged 9 months to 4 Years old

Having worked in the Car Seat Industry for many years, here is a breakdown of the best, safest, most comfortable and stylish car seats on the market in the group one category (9-18kg or 9 months-4 years old, but weight is more important):

1. Maxi Cosi Axiss

Hands down one of the best car seats you can buy for comfort for both the child and the parent. This seat swivels to face the car door. So you can easily put the child in the seat without bending your back around the seat. Simply swivel back when harnessed up and off you go! It’s that simple. And it’s very comfortable and stylish and excels in all encap safety tests.

2. Maxi Cosi Titan I Size

A really strong contender in the new I Size regulations. This seat is safer than the standard Iso Fix Standards and is a really sturdy seat, not wobbling when fixed in place like other poorer quality seats. It’s strong and firm padding enables a comfortable seating position , while giving filling protection around the torso, neck and head (very important).


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